AACS Tree Surveys

Development Surveys

Tree Condition and Value Survey
AACS provide Arboricultural Surveys to meet British Standard 5837:2012 requirements.
Early instruction of a professional arboriculturalist to assess the trees on your site and provide detailed and accurate tree root protection areas is recommended in order to guide your site design prior to deciding on a site layout. This can save on potential design issues and associated costs.
We provide site plans based on a topographical survey that can be overlaid on the site design plan to aid in the preparation of a site layout proposal.
Tree constraints plans are provided with detailed crown spread, root protection areas and colour coded tree retention categories to assist with your site design.

Arboricultural Implications Assessment
AACS assess the impact of the development proposal on the existing trees and the wider
environment. Assessment will take account of the recommendations within BS5837:2012 and any Local Planning Authority supplementary planning guidance on trees and development.
A tree protection plan will be prepared showing trees to be removed/ retained, the
location and detailing of any tree protective fencing and the location of any other tree
protection measures.

Arboricultural Method Statement
AACS produce detailed arboricultural method statements detailing works and procedures
necessary to minimise the impact of any agreed construction activities on retained trees.
The arboricultural method statement will provide information concerning issues including:
- drainage and utilities routes and methods of installation without causing damage to
tree roots; - detailed existing and proposed levels within the canopy spread of the trees;
- construction details for hard surfaces, wall foundations and other boundary treatments
within tree protection areas; - means of protecting the tree canopy, trunk and root system throughout the
construction period; - soft landscaping operations (removal of existing hard surfaces, importation of topsoil,
etc.) within canopy spreads.

Tree Health & Safety
As a responsible tree owner, there is a duty of care to ensure your trees are well managed and maintained. Unfortunate recent cases resulting in the death and/or damage to people and property have resulted in large insurance claims being made against private individuals through to local authorities.
If you are looking to meet your duty of care requirements, AACS provide annual tree health and safety surveys (or bi annual dependent on condition) which alleviate any concerns or responsibility to the individuals responsible for tree care.

Homebuyers Report Tree Survey
It is reasonably commonplace for a mortgage lender to request an assessment of large trees considered to be potentially a threat to your new home. These threats might include the potential for subsidence damage or health and safety concerns for instance.
AACS provide a prompt and professional service for our clients to ensure your new home move may run as smooth as possible.